Finest Fish Oil
From Purest Ocean Water

Best Quality Fish Oil Capsules with Vitamin E.
For Highest Gauranteed Absorption of EPA and DHA Through Vitamin E, Imported from Sweden

Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E
Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E

Omega 3 Fish Oil, 540 EPA, 360 DHA + 9 mg Vitamin E

685.00 EGP

Omega 3 Fish Oil offers highly purified 3000 mg fish oil per serving (3 Capsules) with 540 mg EPA and 360 mg DHA and enhanced absorption with 9 mg Vitamin E

Backed by scientific evidence:

  • Our supplement can reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve brain cognitive functions.
  • Made with the highest standards, including NON-banned Hormonal-Free Substances, FSSC 22000, HACCP, and EU certifications, all manufactured and packaged in Sweden for optimal quality and registered with the National Food Safety Authority in Egypt.

Enhance Your Skin, Hair and Nail Health

- Provides essential proteins and nutrients to hair follicles and skin.
- Maintaining a healthy scalp, lowering inflammation, and potentially enhancing hair quality and strength.
- Considered to be associated with the skin's photoprotection.
- Potentially leading to longer and stronger nails

فوائد الأوميجا 3 للبشرة والشعر والأظافر

- توفر البروتينات والعناصر الغذائية الأساسية لبصيلات الشعر والبشرة.
 - تحافظ على فروة رأس صحية، وتقلل الالتهاب، وتعزز جودة الشعر وقوته.
- يُعتقد أنها مرتبطة بحماية البشرة من أشعة الشمس.
 - تزيد من طول وقوة الأظافر

Benefits of Omega 3 For Heart

Omega-3s offer protection from cardiovascular diseases by reducing the heart’s susceptibility to arrhythmias, lowering triglyceride levels, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing platelet aggregation.

فوائد أوميجا 3 للقلب

توفر أحماض أوميجا 3 الحماية من أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية عن طريق تقليل قابلية القلب للإصابة باضطرابات نظم القلب، وخفض مستويات الدهون الثلاثية، وخفض ضغط الدم، وتقليل تراكم الصفائح الدموية.


Benefits of Omega 3 For Brain and Nervous system

Consumption of omega-3 improved learning, memory ability, cognitive well-being, and blood flow in the brain. Omega-3 therapies are beneficial, well-tolerated, and very low-risk.

فوائد أوميجا 3 للمخ والجهاز العصبي

يؤدي تناول أحماض أوميجا 3 إلى تحسين القدرة على التعلم والذاكرة والصحة الإدراكية وتدفق الدم في المخ. وتعتبر علاجات أحماض أوميجا 3 مفيدة وتحملها الجسم بشكل جيد ومنخفضة المخاطر للغاية.


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The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product


The convenience of online shopping is seeing what other customers saying and that is a factor changing buyer’s decision. Show your customer's review is one of the easiest way to another clearly know about your product






840.00 EGP
940.00 EGP
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Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule
Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule
Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule
Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule
Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule

Multivitamin PRO, 60 Capsule

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570.00 EGP
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